Mar 4Liked by Christopher B. Barnett

Really enjoyed the piece! - first, a commendation of bravery for sitting down the family to watch a film that's about analyzing family problems deeply - always seems like a kinda risky proposal somehow! - secondly, the exposition of Guilty/Not Guilty provides the more non-expert Kierkegaard reader like me with another brilliant side of Kierkegaard's insights into the profound inability to reflect oneself into resolution with oneself.

I appreciate the mention of "Purity of Heart" - one of the SK texts that's impacted me the most, and from reading your take on Guilty/Not Guilty made me think about how one can say quite simply that the effort of reflection to rationalize oneself becomes simply another form of double-mindedness, the further agitation of "qualitative existential cleft between our mundane lives and eternal ideals." Lastly - very Lenten piece! The preachers/liturgists out there appreciate can appreciate "what we have done and left undone" as a reference to confession.

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